When To Spay Your Pitbull – What the Latest Studies Suggest

When it comes to caring for your precious Pitbull, spaying and neutering at the right age is a hot topic. The traditional guideline was that all dogs should be sterilized before reaching six months. However, recent studies have put this into question causing much debate among pet owners – When to spay your Pitbull?

Your Pitbull should be spayed when she has finished growing and is sexually mature – ideally after her first heat. There may be individual variations, but this is usually around 12 to 18 months. Your veterinarian can help you decide the correct timing for your dog to be sterilized.

With years of experience rescuing and caring for a Bully Dog, I know just how important it is to ensure they are spayed or neutered at the ideal time. Let’s explore why this process should be handled with expert timing – so your pup can thrive in best health!

When Should You Spay Your Female Pitbull?

Most veterinarians are becoming aware of the need to delay spaying female Pitbulls until they are fully grown and sexually mature. This means female Pitbulls should be spayed after 12 months and after their first heat cycle.

A critical point to remember is that your Pitbull must not become pregnant during her first heat. A pregnancy at this stage compromises her skeletal development and may result in birth complications.

If you cannot be sure of preventing your female Pitbull from becoming pregnant, you should ask your veterinarian to help you choose a time to spay her before her first heat.

The American Kennel Club recommends thoroughly discussing the correct time to spay your female Pitbull with an accredited veterinarian.

Spaying your female Pitbull too early (4-6 months) can cause some potential health problems.

When to spay your pitbull

What Are The Advantages Of Spaying Your Female Pitbull?

No More Periods

A benefit of spaying your female Pitbull is that you do not have to deal with heat cycles. Female dogs bleed for two of the three-week cycle when they are in heat. That is two weeks of blood smeared in your house, or your dog wearing diapers (yes diapers). A bloody problem is not the only challenge.

Less Heat-related Behavioral Issues

Female Pitbulls in heat usually exhibit behavioral changes. Some dogs become clingy and struggle with separation anxiety, while others may become more aggressive, leading to fights with other pets. Additionally, some female Pitbulls may constantly whine during their heat cycle, causing distress for their owners.

Less Unwanted Attention

A female Pitbull in heat can attract all the unsterilized male dogs in the area, resulting in unwanted canine visitors. It is not advisable to walk a female in heat at a dog park or any place where she might encounter other dogs.

In short, managing a female Pitbull in heat can be a full-time job. If she is sterilized, you do not have to deal with these issues, and life can go on as normal.

Although there are health disadvantages to spaying your female Pitbull too early, there is also an increased risk of some health problems if you never spay her.

Decreased Likelihood Of Certain Cancers

Mammary, cervical, or ovarian cancer is more common in female Pitbulls that are never spayed. 20% of unsterilized female Pitbulls get pyometra before the age of 10, a potentially fatal uterus infection. Pyometra is often undetected by owners until it is too late. Spaying eliminates this risk entirely.

Unwanted Puppies

Spaying your female Pitbull prevents unwanted pregnancies. A common argument made by owners is that their female Pitbull must have one litter to make her motherly, improve her temperament or give her a chance to be a mother.

Dogs are not like people. They have no yearning to be mothers. There is no change in temperament after a female Pitbull has had puppies. It does not make them more motherly or kinder.  Also, remember there is an estimated 1 million Pitbulls euthanized in America annually.

Potential Health Problems of Spaying Too Early

·       Urinary incontinence may develop in up to 20% of Pitbull females spayed early.

·       There is an increased risk of certain cancers, such as hemangiosarcoma and osteosarcoma.

·       Triple the risk of urinary tract and vaginal infections.

·       Increasing the likelihood of joint dysplasia and other orthopedic problems

·       A higher chance of hypothyroidism.

·       Many female Pitbulls spayed too early will be obese.

What To Expect When You Spay Your Female Pitbull

While the thought of the procedure may be daunting, it’s essential to understand what to expect to ensure your pet has a smooth recovery. First and foremost, anesthesia is required for the surgery, which will be administered by a licensed veterinarian they may also do some pre-anesthetic bloodwork to make sure their organs are working well and will likely have a drip put in to administer fluids throughout the procedure.

During the operation, an incision in the abdomen is made to remove the ovaries and uterus. Afterward, your Pitbull will require stitches, which will be internal to close the abdomen (stomach muscles), and there may be some external sutures depending on the technique.

While your dog may feel pain after the surgery, veterinarians provide pain medication to help alleviate any discomfort. If anyone has had a C-section you would have had similar muscles cut through and experienced similar pain.

It’s advised that you keep your female Pitbull quiet for a few days post-surgery, this will greatly reduce any post-surgical complications – many that are caused by too much activity post surgery.

With proper care and attention, your beloved pet will be back on their paws in no time!

How Much Does It Cost To Spay Your Pitbull? 

Spaying costs between $500 to $600, depending on where you live and which clinic you use. Please remember cheaper prices may mean they are not doing things like fluids during anesthesia or providing enough pain relief. Make sure to ask what is included so you can compare apples with apples.

Some veterinarians and welfare organizations run sterilization drives offering cheaper spaying and neutering that is under $100.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Spaying Make My Pitbull Fat? 

Spaying can make your female Pitbull gain weight, but it is not the cause. Animal obesity is typically caused by overfeeding and lack of exercise. If you feed your dog healthy foods and ensure they get sufficient exercise, then spaying should not lead to an increase in weight.

It is best to consult a veterinarian who can recommend the best diet and exercise routine for your pet. They can also provide advice on how to prevent your female Pitbull from becoming overweight after being spayed.

Will My Pitbull Experience Behavioral Changes After Being Spayed Or Neutered?

No, spaying and neutering do not cause major behavioral changes in your pet. While it will reduce their urge to roam and mate, it does not affect aggression or energy levels. These behaviors are usually caused by a lack of training and socialization.

My Final Thoughts

Spaying your Pitbull helps to reduce the number of pets who are euthanized each year. It also has health benefits for your pet, such as reducing their chances of developing reproductive cancers.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to make the best decision for your own pet and circumstances. But if you’re able to, spaying and neutering your Pitbull is highly encouraged.

Good luck! And happy pet parenting. 🙂

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Emily Andrews